We Provide Door Step Facilities Like –

Holter Monitoring ECG

The Holter monitor is a type of portable electrocardiogram (ECG). It records the electrical activity of the heart continuously over 24 hours or longer while you are away from the doctor’s office. A standard or “resting” ECG is one of the simplest and fastest tests used to evaluate the heart.

Portable X-Ray

Portable X-ray machines have been available for some time. Generally, they have been used in hospitals to perform radiography on patients who are in such critical condition that they cannot easily be transported to the radiology department.


Electromyography (EMG) and nerve conduction velocity (NCV) are electrodiagnostic tests that measure the electrical activity of muscles and nerves. These tests may be an important part of a spine patient’s work-up by their doctor.

Blood Collection

All type of Blood Test and urine, sputam,stool, fluid of human body done here.